In the framework of the Thessaly Program 2021-2027, the Action "Strengthening the extroversion of businesses, through promotion and networking actions", was announced, which is aimed at promoting the extroversion of small and very small businesses in the Region of Thessaly, through strengthening their participation in trade fairs organized in Greece, the European Union (EU) and third countries.

Beneficiaries in the context of this Action are existing small and very small businesses, legally operating and active in the Region of Thessaly, eligible for the code of economic activity Action, already producing/processing the products to be exhibited and fulfilling the requirements mentioned in the Action's Analytical Call., παράγουν/μεταποιούν ήδη τα προς έκθεση προϊόντα και πληρούν τα αναφερόμενα στην Αναλυτική Πρόσκληση της Δράσης.

Within the framework of the Call, subsidized Actions are supported up to €90,000 for participation in at least two (2) professional exhibitions as an exhibitor, with a maximum subsidized Budget for each participation in an exhibition of €45,000, as defined in Section 6.1 of the Call.

The subsidy rate amounts to 50% public expenditure, depending on the investment plan and the costs included in it.

Eligible costs concern the following categories of costs:

  • Participation in Professional exhibitions as an exhibitor in Greece.
  • Participation in Professional exhibitions as an exhibitor abroad.
  • Costs of providing investment monitoring and management services.

The submission of applications started on Tuesday 02.07.2024 and the deadline for electronic submission of proposals is Monday 16.09.2024 at 14:00.