The application procedure under the programme "Retraining and upgrading of skills in the tourism sector" for up to 20,000 beneficiaries has started.
The programme is implemented by the Ministry of Tourism, in the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0" with funding from the European Union-NextGeneration EU.
The objective of the programme is to provide theoretical training and certification services to up to 20,000 beneficiaries, who have at least two hundred (200) days of total employment in the tourism sector or in a specialty related to the training specialty in the last ten years and belong to one of the following categories:
  • seasonal workers in tourism enterprises,
  • temporarily unemployed and long-term unemployed in the tourism sector; and
  • workers in tourism enterprises whose employment contracts have been suspended due to the temporary cessation or suspension of the operation of the enterprises in which they were working, in the context of measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID - 19.
The programme is implemented through the system of providing Training Vouchers and includes:
  • the provision of 250 hours of continuing vocational theoretical training services in up to 7 disciplines through distance asynchronous training, and
  • certification of the knowledge and skills acquired during the training programme.
Theoretical training services are provided by licensed Lifelong Learning Centres (K.D.B.M.) or by Training and Lifelong Learning Centres (K.E.DI.B.I.M.) of public universities.
The certification of the knowledge and skills of the beneficiaries is carried out through examinations administered by eligible certification providers.
Each trainee is granted a training allowance of 5€ for each hour of confirmed attendance of the programme, subject to participation in the certification exams, up to the amount of 1,250€.
Applications must be submitted by 22 November 2024.
Interested parties can fill in the contact form below: