
The Business Advisor sharesThe Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (Recovery and Resilience Fund - RFF) was established to stimulate the economy and recover from the effects of pandemic COVID-19. This objective is pursued through the implementation of specific projects and reforms under four pillars aimed at green and digital transition, boosting employment, social cohesion and promoting private investment and transformation. Listen to the episode to be prepared to choose the financing tool that best suits your business needs.

The call "Support for Diving Tourism" is Subproject 3 of the Project "SUB7 Diving and Underwater Tourism" of the "Tourism Development" Action with code 16931 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRSP), which is part of Pillar 4 "Private Investment and Transformation of the Economy" and in particular of the Axis "Modernization and improvement of the resilience of the main sectors of the country's economy". The project "SUB7: Diving and Underwater Tourism" is in line with the principles of Blue Development and concerns the protection and promotion of the underwater environment and the exploitation of the country's comparative advantages (natural and cultural) based on the principles of sustainability, as well as the improvement of the country's overall tourism product by enhancing its diversification and the development of special interest products.

The promotion of the underwater environment through the creation and upgrading of diving/submarine parks aims at promoting the underwater environment, developing the local economy and employment, exploiting the comparative advantages (natural and cultural) of the country, as well as adding a new activity to the Greek tourism portfolio of products suitable for year-round use.

Specifically, the financial assistance provided under this call for proposals relates to 'Diving Tourism Grants' and funding is provided to the beneficiaries referred to in paragraph 4 for:

- Upgrading and construction of diving parks as described in article 13 of Law No. 3409/2005.

- Creation of free artificial underwater attractions as described in article 8 of Law No. 4688/2020

- Creation of infrastructure, purchase of equipment for diving services.

- Expenditure on studies.

- Costs for means of transport (boats) to the dive site

- Diving equipment costs.

- Expenditure on consultancy services for subsidised projects for requesting and monitoring investment projects.

It is clarified that the Action will fully comply with the technical guidance on the application of the 'no significant harm' principle (2021/C 58/01) and it is stated that, under the terms of reference, only activities that comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation will be selected. Actions related to diving and underwater tourism will meet the criteria of intervention 50 'Nature and biodiversity protection, natural heritage and resources, green and blue infrastructure'.

Geographical areas of application

The geographical area of the subproject is the whole Greek territory.

Appropriations - Financing

The total public expenditure of this Call for Proposals for the financing of investment projects is six million two hundred thousand euros (€6,200,000.00), broken down as follows:

  • five million euros (€5,000,000.00) to be paid from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) in the form of a grant; and
  • one million two hundred thousand euros (€1,200,000.00) to be paid from the National PDE for VAT.

Eligible expenses

The starting date for the eligibility of expenditure is the date of publication of the Call for Proposals. Specifically, the call "Support for Diving Tourism" concerns the financing of the following eligible costs (per category of beneficiary):

1) Dive Park Management Entities:

of eligible
Indicative costs & information per category EXPENDITURE LIMITS
Expenditure on studies Expenditure on studies arising after
the designation-delimitation process
diving park, in accordance with Article
13 of Law 3409/2005, which relate to the
the creation, development, management and
the operation of the dive park.
up to 10% of
Grant recipient
Expenses for
of underwater
and equipment
Construction, expansion, modernization
of facilities and specialized auxiliary installations
Expenses for upgrading or shaping
of underwater artificial reefs
including transportation costs to serve
the needs of the diving park
Expenses for the purchase/creation of artificial
underwater attractions.
Purchase and installation of new
equipment. The selection of equipment will
be made with the protection of the
environment in mind (e.g., low-energy consumption technologies, no water pollution, etc.).
Expenses for purchasing, transporting, and
installing equipment (such as luminous
beacons, photoluminescent markers
for boundary marking) Expenses for technical support
of sinking reefs and underwater
Supply and installation of mooring buoys
for boats to accommodate
visitors and diving routes
Supply and installation of security
and control systems, supply and
installation of software and systems.
up to 10% of
Grant recipient
Procurement of electric transport boats
with specifications provided according to
the legislation of Ministerial Decision No.
2131.7/76069/2022 (Official Gazette B’ 5617 2.11.2022).
Supply of transport vessels
moving to and from the
diving site.
up to €30,000
Website construction/upgrade (care should be taken to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities according to the international standard Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), version 2.1 at AA level (conversion costs are eligible) Design and production of electronic information material up to 10.000€
Expenses consisting of
the cost of educational
consulting services provided by
external consultants
Expenses for providing expertise and
Consulting services provided
by external consultants for submission and monitoring
of investment plans.
Up to 10% of the
Up to 4% of the

2) Legal entities defined under the provisions of Article 41 of Law 3153/2003 with the
status "Applicants for Submersion" as mentioned in the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 3000.0/31173/2023
Official Gazette 2968/B'/5.5.2023 for the creation of Free Artificial Underwater Attractions
as described in Article 8 of the Law.

of eligible
Indicative costs & information per category EXPENDITURE LIMITS
Expenditure on studies Expenditure for studies provided for in the provisions of the EIS No 3000.0/31173/2023. until 10%
Expenses for
of underwater
and equipment
Δαπάνες για την αγορά και πόντιση ελεύθερων
τεχνητών υποβρύχιων αξιοθέατων όπως αυτή η
διαδικασία περιγράφεται στην ΚΥΑ Αριθμ.
3000.0/31173/2023 ΦΕΚ 2968/Β’/5.5.2023.
Δαπάνες για κατασκευή, αναβάθμιση ή
δημιουργία υποβρύχιων τεχνητών ύφαλων
including the cost
Δαπάνες για αγορά, μεταφορά και εγκατάσταση
εξοπλισμού (όπως φωτεινοί φάροι,
φωτοσημαντήρες οριοθέτησης, σημαδούρες, κλπ.)
Δαπάνες για την τεχνική υποστήριξη εργασιών
πόντισης τεχνητών υφάλων και υποβρυχίων
Αγορά και εγκατάσταση καινούργιου εξοπλισμού.
Η επιλογή του εξοπλισμού θα γίνεται με γνώμονα
την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος (π.χ.
τεχνολογίες χαμηλής κατανάλωσης ενέργειας, μη
μόλυνσης υδάτων κ.ά.).
Προμήθεια και εγκατάσταση πλωτήρων
πρόσδεσης σκαφών για την εξυπηρέτηση
επισκεπτών και καταδυτικών διαδρομών Προμήθεια και εγκατάσταση συστημάτων
ασφαλείας και ελέγχου, προμήθεια και
εγκατάσταση λογισμικού και συστημάτων
παρακολούθησης του χώρου κατάδυσης
up to 100% of the
Website Construction/Upgrade (care should be taken
to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities according to the
international standard Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (WCAG), version 2.1 at AA level (conversion
expenses are eligible))
§ Design and production of electronic
information material.
up to 10.000€
Δαπάνες που
συνίστανται στο
υπηρεσιών που
παρέχονται από
Consultancy services provided by external consultants for investment project submission and monitoring services. up to 4% of the Grant Budget

3) Providers of Recreational Diving Services as defined in Article 6 of Law
3409/2005, with NACE Code Diving instruction services.

of eligible
Indicative costs & information per category EXPENDITURE LIMITS
Expenses for the purchase of diving equipment
(for example: rebreathers, full face masks, mixed gases/nitrox, u/w drones, u/w scooters,
audiovisual equipment, etc.)
Purchase and installation of new equipment.
The selection of equipment will be based on
environmental protection (e.g.,
low-energy consumption technologies, non-water pollution, etc.).
Supply and installation of security systems.
up to 100% of the
Procurement of electric transport boats
with specifications provided according to
the legislation of Ministerial Decision No.
2131.7/76069/2022 (Official Gazette B’ 5617 2.11.2022).
Προμήθεια ηλεκτρικών μεταφορικών σκαφών
χαρακτηριστικών που προβλέπονται σύμφωνα με
την νομοθεσία της ΥΑ υπ’ Αριθμ.
2131.7/76069/2022 (ΦΕΚ Β’ 5617 2.11.2022)
until 80.000€
Website Construction/Upgrade and
mobile application development (application)
(care should be taken to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities
according to the international standard Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), version 2.1 at AA level
(conversion expenses are eligible))
Design and production of electronic
until 5.000€
Expenditure consisting of the cost of training and consultancy services provided by external consultants Expenses for providing expertise and
Consulting services provided
by external consultants for submission and monitoring
of investment plans.
up to 10% of the Grant Budget up to 10% of the Grant Budget

The interventions should be consistent with the existing institutional framework of environmental and other relevant legislation. The equipment supplied as a whole should carry the appropriate certificates of safe operation and compatibility with the safety limits imposed by directives, regulations and the national framework. In any case, the categories of expenditure mentioned above are indicative and not restrictive.

Opening of Applications: 16/10/2024
Closing date for applications: 20/12/2024

To express your interest in the above NSRF please fill in the following contact form