
The Government Gazette with the decision on the programmes has been published support for the digitisation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the cultural, creative and craft sectors, with funding from the Recovery Fund.

The programmes for the digitisation of SMEs aim to invest in technologies and services that promote the digitisation of SMEs in the cultural, creative and craft sector, in particular digital equipment, software to support the provision of digital products and digital promotion and advertising, the digitisation of cultural products and their upgrading through the use of digital media.

The Programme is divided into three (3) individual State Aid Programmes-Actions, as follows:

- Programme I: "Funding to support the Digital Transformation of Enterprises in the Performing Arts Sector".

- Programme II: "Funding to Support the Digital Transformation of Businesses in the Book Production Sector".

- Programme III: "Financing to strengthen the productive equipment and digital transformation of craft enterprises".

Beneficiaries of aid under the Programmes may be existing Small, Micro, Small and Individual Enterprises, as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, which before the date of online submission of the application for funding:

  • They have their registered office or a branch in the Greek Territory with a Greek VAT number.
  • Have at least one (1) full closed management year.
  • They are substantially active (Main Activity Code or Highest Revenue Activity Code) in one (1) eligible Activity Code.
  • Have the eligible investment ID(s) available before 3 April 2023.
  • Engaged in an eligible activity
  • Operate legally and comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation
  • They operate exclusively in one of the following forms of business of a corporate/commercial nature [e.g. Public Limited Company, Limited Liability Company, General Partnership or Limited Partnership, Private Limited Company, Sole Proprietorship, Social Cooperative Enterprise of the Law of Cyprus. 4430/2016 (A' 205) as in force, Cooperative] and keep single-entry or double-entry books
  • submit an investment project with a subsidised budget not exceeding three times the highest turnover achieved in one of the three (or less if the enterprise has no three) closed business years preceding the year in which the application for funding is submitted.

More specifically, the following applies to each programme:

Programme I: "Funding to support the Digital Transformation of Enterprises in the Performing Arts Sector"

The aim of Programme I: "Funding to support the Digital Transformation of Performing Arts Businesses" is to support performing arts businesses to invest in infrastructure and know-how for the development and dissemination of digital, foreign language and exportable content. The transition of the cultural and creative industries to the digital era is intended to address contemporary challenges facing the sector and to enhance its alignment with the digital transformation of the whole economy..

Potential Beneficiaries of the Programme - Eligibility Criteria

Beneficiaries of aid under the Programme may be existing Small, Micro, Small and Individual Enterprises, as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, which before the date of online submission of the application for funding:

1) They have their registered office or a branch in the Greek Territory with a Greek VAT number.
2) Have at least one (1) full closed management year.
3) They are substantially active (Main Activity Code or Highest Revenue Activity Code) in one (1) eligible Activity Code.
4) Have the eligible investment ID(s) available before 3 April 2023.
5) They are engaged in an eligible activity.
- Eligible activity for the purposes of Programme I means any economic activity that falls within the Programme's eligible activity codes as defined by the Implementing Entity in the Programme Call

Eligible actions and expenditure

Eligible expenditure will receive aid in the form of a grant. The formulation of the proposed budget by the potential beneficiary undertaking requires that the actions to be carried out under the investment project be linked to the following categories of eligible costs: Categories of Expenditure 1.1 and 2 should constitute at least 50% of the Subsidised Budget.

Expenditure on digital equipment
up to 100% of the
Supporting technological equipment
up to 20% of the Grant Budget
Digital product delivery support software
up to 100% of the
Office and operational management applications
up to 60% of the Grant Budget
Digital promotion and sales support software
up to 100% of the
Expenditure on upgrading services
up to 50% of the Grant Budget
Promotion, extroversion and sales expenditure
up to 20% of the Grant Budget
Advisory services
up to 10% of the Grant

Amount and intensity of the aid

Projects proposed for support under Programme I may have a subsidised budget of from five thousand euros (€5,000) to thirty thousand euros (€30,000).

The rate of aid for the investment project for all eligible expenditure under this call for proposals is 70% of the Grant Budget and takes the form of a non-repayable grant covering part of the eligible costs.

Έναρξη υποβολής αιτήσεων: 10/1/2025

Programme II: "Funding to Support the Digital Transformation of Businesses in the Book Production Sector"

Programme II: "Funding to support the digital transformation of companies in the book production sector" aims to support companies in the book production sector through their digital transformation. The main objectives of the programme will be achieved through the promotion of digital transformation processes, which will make it easier for businesses to adapt to new technological developments and the requirements of the digital age. By encouraging new/alternative models for the production, distribution and promotion of digital content, it will enable businesses in the sector to obtain alternative sources of revenue beyond traditional revenue models. It is necessary to support investment in infrastructure and know-how in order to create an environment where publishing companies can develop and distribute digital content. Finally, it is also important to restructure the resources of publishing companies with a view to increasing their efficiency through the digitisation of processes.

Potential Beneficiaries of Programme II - Eligibility Criteria

The beneficiaries of aid under the Programme may be existing Medium, Small, Micro, Very Small and Individual Enterprises, as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, which before the date of online submission of the application for funding:

1) They have their registered office or a branch in the Greek Territory with a Greek VAT number.

2) Have at least one (1) full closed management year.

3) They are substantially active (Main Activity Code or Highest Revenue Activity Code) in one (1) eligible Activity Code.

4) Have the eligible investment ID(s) available before 3 April 2023.

5) They are engaged in an eligible activity.

- Eligible activity for the purposes of Programme II means any economic activity that falls within the Programme's eligible activity codes as defined by the Implementing Entity in the Programme Call

Eligible actions and expenditure

Eligible expenditure will receive aid in the form of a grant. The formulation of the proposed budget by the potential beneficiary undertaking requires that the actions to be carried out under the investment project be linked to the following categories of eligible costs:

Expenditure on digital equipment
up to 100% of the
Expenditure on supporting production equipment
up to 20% of the Grant Budget
Software costs
up to 100% of the
Service upgrade costs
up to 50% of the Grant Budget
Expenditure on promotion and externalisation
up to 10% of the Grant Budget
Advisory services
up to 10% of the Grant Budget and up to 4.000,00 €

Expenditure Categories 1.1 and 2 must constitute at least 50% of the Grant Budget.

Amount and intensity of the aid

The aid rate of the investment project for the total eligible costs under this call for proposals is 70% of the Grant Budget and takes the form of a non-repayable grant, which covers part of the eligible costs.

The projects proposed for support under the Programme may have a grant budget of between five thousand euros (€5,000.00) and seventy thousand euros (€70,000.00).

Έναρξη υποβολής αιτήσεων: 10/1/2025

Programme III: "Financing of Enterprises for the support of productive equipment and digital transformation of craft enterprises"

The aim of Programme III: "Financing of Enterprises for the Strengthening of Production Equipment and Digital Transformation of Handicraft Enterprises", targeting handicraft enterprises operating in the sectors of pottery, weaving and woodworking, is to strengthen these enterprises by supporting investments in the whole range of their development and activity, such as: equipment (main, auxiliary and digital), the support of business and commercial activity through the use of modern digital technologies and the development of new technologies. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Eligible actions and expenditure

Eligible expenditure will receive aid in the form of a grant. The formulation of the proposed budget by the potential beneficiary undertaking requires that the actions to be carried out under the investment project be linked to the following categories of eligible costs:

Expenditure on production equipment
up to 50% of the Grant Budget
Δαπάνες Βοηθητικού Εξοπλισμού
up to 20% of the Grant Budget
Expenditure on digital/ technological/ telecommunications equipment
up to 100% of the Grant Budget
Software costs
up to 100% of the Grant Budget (especially the website expenditure up to 2.500€ and the e-shop expenditure up to 5.000€)
Expenditure on Promotion & Externalisation Services
up to 10.000€
Expenditure on Product Development & Design Services
until 5.000€
Certification of Products - Services - Processes
up to 10% of the Grant Budget and up to 4.000€
Expenditure on consultancy services
up to 10% of the Grant Budget and up to 4.000€

Expenditure Categories 1.3 and 2 should be at least 50% of the Grant Budget.

Amount and intensity of the aid

The aid rate of the investment project for the total eligible costs is 70% of the Grant Budget and takes the form of a non-repayable grant, which covers part of the eligible costs.

The projects proposed for support under the Programme may have a grant budget of between five thousand euros (€5,000.00) and fifty thousand euros (€50,000.00).

Τα προγράμματα will be activated for submission of Funding Applications on behalf of the potential beneficiaries by issuing a call for proposals by the Implementing Agency.

‘Εναρξη υποβολής αιτήσεων: 10/1/2025

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