
In the context of the "North Aegean" Program 2021-2027, Action 1.3.2"Promotion of sales and mainly exports"was announced, which aims to strengthen the activities of the priority sectors of the regional Smart Specialization Strategy, as they are specialized for the North Aegean Region (prioritization of RIS3 of the PBA), through the support of existing micro, small and medium enterprises of the North Aegean Region, to strengthen their extroversion. 

The action is financed by the "North Aegean" Program in the context of Priority 1 "Transformation of the Region's economy, with an increase in the size and productivity of businesses, mainly through smart specialization (ERDF)", and in particular Special Objective 3: "Strengthening the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of jobs in SMEs, including productive investments". 

The Public Expenditure of the Action amounts to4.000.000€and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by National Participation. 

This Action aims to: 

  • The improvement of key indicators of competitiveness and extroversion of businesses 
  • The improvement of companies' capabilities with the aim of their inclusion in international value chains 

The categories of actions that can be included in this type of actions refer to the support of existing SMEs with grants, to either increase their sales already made, or to adjust their sales to foreign markets. 

Each investment project will be graded additionally if it is documented to at least one RIS3 priority of the PBA and the costs that will be included in it serve it. 

Main points of the Action 

Beneficiaries in the context of this Action arevery small, small & medium-sized enterprises,which legally operate and are active in the North Aegean Region,in eligible for the Action, codes of economic activity and fulfill the conditions mentioned in the Detailed Call for Action. 

Within the framework of the Call, grantee Actions are supported from €60,000 to €300,000 and the Public Funding rate is 50%. 

Indicatively, the actions that will be strengthened concern the following: 

  • Elaboration of a business plan specifying the objectives of each SME. 
  • Search for opportunities in new domestic and/or foreign markets through market research, participation in exhibitions, organization of trade/business missions. 
  • Strengthening their position in existing foreign markets, mainly through the expansion of their networks and collaborations, development of new products, with similar interventions in equipment and production processes, primarily by utilizing digital technology. 
  • Upgrading the visibility of the products abroad through branding, establishing a quality mark of the products produced, participation in recognized international exhibitions, etc. 

Submission of Applications 

The start of submitting applications was on Tuesday 16/9/2024 andthe deadline for electronic submission of proposals is Thursday 14/11/2024 at 15:00.