
1nd Funding: Possibility of aid through a development law

Under the aid scheme of the Development Law the following investment projects in the tourism sector:

  • Establishment or expansion of hotel units of at least 3* category, formerly class B.
  • Εκσυγχρονισμός ολοκληρωμένης μορφής λειτουργουσών ξενοδοχειακών μονάδων ή μονάδων που έχουν διακόψει τη λειτουργία τους, χωρίς στο διάστημα της διακοπής να έχει γίνει αλλαγή στη χρήση του κτιρίου, με την προϋπόθεση ότι με τον εκσυγχρονισμό τους αναβαθμίζονται τουλάχιστον σε κατηγορία τεσσάρων αστέρων (4*) . Επίσης εκσυγχρονισμός ολοκληρωμένης μορφής ως άνω ξενοδοχειακών μονάδων κατηγορίας τριών αστέρων (3*) και ως ενισχυόμενου κόστους ενός εκατομμυρίου (1.000.000) ευρώ.
  • Modernisation of integrated form of operating tourist camps (campings), at least class C.
  • Modernisation of integrated hotel units in buildings classified as listed or traditional, which are operating or have ceased to operate, without a change in the use of the building during the period of interruption, provided that their modernisation upgrades them to at least a four-star (4*) category.
  • Modernisation of hotel units involving the creation of additional facilities with the addition of new common areas, new uses of common areas, swimming pools, sports facilities, etc. in hotel units of at least four-star (4*) category, in order to provide additional services.
  • Conversion of traditional or listed buildings into hotel units of at least 2* former class C
  • Establishment, expansion and modernization of special tourist infrastructure projects: tourist ports for pleasure boats, conference centres, golf courses, thermal springs, thalassotherapy centres, health tourism centres, ski resorts, training and sports tourism centres, motorways, theme parks.

For the implementation of investment projects subject to the provisions of Law 3299/2004, the following are provided είδη ενισχύσεων:

  • Grant, which consists in the free provision by the State of a sum of money to cover part of the eligible expenditure of the investment or business plan.
  • Lease subsidy, which consists in the coverage by the State of part of the instalments paid under a lease contract for the acquisition of new machinery and equipment.
  • Tax exemption consisting in the exemption from the payment of income tax on the undistributed profits from all the activities of the company in the first ten years after the realisation of the investment project, with the formation of an equivalent tax-free reserve.
  • Subsidy of the cost of the employment created by the investment project, consisting in the coverage by the State for two years of part of the wage costs of the jobs created within the first three years from the completion of the investment project.

2nd Funding: Support for the Establishment and Operation of New Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises

Strengthening tourism entrepreneurship through the creation of new micro, small and medium enterprises in selected tourism CDOs.

The subsidised budget for each investment project ranges from 80.000€ To 400.000€.

The grant will amount to 45% on the expenditure submitted.

The aid rate may be increased by:

(a) 10% if the investment takes place in a remote area or small islands (according to Annex X) or in a fire-affected or earthquake-affected or flood-prone area, with a declaration at the time of submission of the funding application to the OPSKE of the relevant Decision in force (Government Gazette) which classifies the area of implementation of the investment in one of the above categories and/or
(b) an additional 5% by meeting the employment target of at least 0.2 FTE in the first year after completion of the investment.

The duration of the implementation of the physical and financial scope of the investment project is strictly limited to 24 months, without any extension.

To whom it is directed

Under establishment, existing and νεοσύστατες newly established τουρισμού, όπως αυτές ορίζονται στη Σύσταση της Επιτροπής 2003/361/ΕΚ.

Με τον όρο νεοσύστατες are defined as enterprises for which 12 months of continuous operation have not elapsed between the date of commencement of the enterprise and the date of notification of the action.

The eligible Activity Code Numbers (ACNs) are defined in detail in the Annex II της Πρόσκλησης της Δράσης.​

Area of implementation


Terms and conditions

Potential beneficiaries should: Meet the conditions and restrictions

What is funded

  • Buildings, facilities and surroundings
  • Machinery - Equipment
  • Digital equipment - software and software services

In addition, expenditure on:

α) Certification of Quality Assurance Systems, Environmental Management Systems in accordance with national, harmonized and other European and international standards,

b) promoting extroversion and internationalisation,

(c) means of transport,

(d) studies and consultancy services,

(e) indirect costs.


€ 160.000.000
The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Greek State.