
With the purpose of dealing with the thermal stress of employees in relation to dependent work in the private sector of the economy, employers take protective measures, according to the indicative and not restrictive list of technical and organizational measures provided for in No. 34666/03-06-2024 circular "Prevention of workers' heat stress" of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Mandatory work suspension in outdoor activities

For the employees of companies located in areas in which according to the 10.06.2024 Emergency Weather Deterioration Bulletin of the E.M.Y. particularly high temperatures are expected to prevail (especially in Attica, Eastern Sterea, Eastern Peloponnese and Thessaly) it becomes mandatory to stop work during the period 12.00'-17.00', on Wednesday 12.06.2024 and Thursday 13.06.2024, in manual work performed outdoors, indicatively mentioned, work in technical and building projects, construction sites, distribution and transport of products and objects by two-wheeled vehicle skates, roller skates, etc. (delivery), etc., when the temperature is equal or higher than 40°C.

Provision of remote work with the teleworking system

For employees with a dependent work relationship in the private sector who belong to high-risk groups, care should be taken by the companies to enable them to work remotely according to the teleworking system if it is possible according to the nature of their work.

Urgent measures for the organization of working time

For the convenience of employees during any change in their time of arrival and departure from work, employers may not register in advance in the ERGANI system every change in the organization of working time.