Theoretical Training Program for unemployed individuals aged 25-45, registered with the unemployment registry of the Ministry of Labor, which leads to certification of knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Specifically, the services provided within the framework of the new project include:
- An 80-hour theoretical training program for unemployed individuals registered with the Ministry of Labor, leading to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in high-demand thematic subjects in the labor market.
- Certification of the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired within the framework of the training program.
The project concerns the training and certification, for up to 15,000 unemployed individuals registered in the unemployment registry of the Ministry of Labor, aged 25 to 45 years old, through the provision of Vocational Training Programs. It aims to focus on upgrading the skills of the beneficiaries (upskilling) and/or retraining them (reskilling) using both synchronous and asynchronous distance learning methods, as well as face-to-face training sessions lasting 80 hours. The training of the beneficiaries is followed by certification of the acquired knowledge and skills.
For more information, click here.:
Business subsidy program for the employment of 1,000 unemployed individuals aged 30-66 in the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Region
The aim of the program is to create 1,000 new full-time job positions for the employment of unemployed individuals aged 30-66 in the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Region.
The program is aimed at private businesses operating in the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Region with the purpose of employing unemployed individuals aged 30-66.
Regarding the subsidy scheme, if the business chooses the de minimis state aid regime, it must not have reduced its personnel in the last month before the application and must not have received funding from state aid exceeding €200,000 in the previous 3 years (current and 2 preceding). If the business chooses the state aid regime of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), it must not have reduced its personnel in the 12-month period before the application and must not have received funding from state aid exceeding €5,000,000 since 2014.
If the business chooses the de minimis state aid regime, the duration of the subsidy is 12 months with the possibility of extension for another 12 months.
If the business chooses the state aid regime of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), the duration of the subsidy for hiring unemployed people in a disadvantaged position is 12 months, while for hiring unemployed people in particularly disadvantaged positions, the duration of the subsidy is 12 months with the possibility of extension for another 12 months.
Under the de minimis regime, the subsidy amounts to 70% of the wage and non-wage costs, with a maximum limit of €715.40 per month, while under the state aid regime of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), the subsidy amounts to 50% of the wage and non-wage costs, with a maximum limit of €715 per month.
The subsidy includes Christmas and Easter bonuses and the Leave Allowance.
For more information, click here:
Program for subsidizing businesses employing 3000 unemployed individuals (special groups) & 7000 (with integration-reintegration obstacles).
The purpose of the action is to mitigate the consequences of unemployment and ensure social cohesion for specific categories of unemployed individuals facing obstacles in integrating or reintegrating into the labor market: mothers returning to the workforce after raising their children, unemployed individuals with 24 months of unemployment, unemployed individuals over 55 years old with 12 months of unemployment, unemployed individuals who have not completed compulsory education or have completed it without advancing to higher education, single-parent families, and Roma individuals.
The program is aimed at private businesses and generally private sector employers who engage in regular economic activity, nationwide.
The program includes businesses and employers in the private sector who have not reduced their personnel in the 3-month period before the application and have not received funding from state aid exceeding €200,000 in the previous 3 years (current fiscal year and the 2 preceding years).
- Unemployed mothers, who return to the labor market after raising their children and have at least one child up to 8 (eight) years old and six months of unemployment.
- Unemployed individuals over 55 years old with 12 months of unemployment,
- Unemployed individuals with 24 months of unemployment,
- Unemployed individuals who have not completed compulsory education or who have completed compulsory education without subsequently advancing to higher education,
- Unemployed members of single-parent families,
- Unemployed Roma individuals.
The duration of the program is 12 months with an obligation to maintain the subsidized positions for an additional 4 months after the end of the subsidy.
For more information, click here:
Program of Subsidies for Enterprises to Hire 3,000 Unemployed Individuals aged 56 and above, who have completed the 55-67 Program.
The aim of the action is to create 3,000 new full-time job positions by hiring unemployed individuals aged 56 and above who have completed the 'Subsidy Program for the Employment of Long-Term Unemployed Individuals, aged 55-67'. The action is addressed to all private enterprises and generally employers in the private sector who regularly engage in economic activities.
The beneficiaries of the program must cumulatively: a) be unemployed, aged 56 and above, registered in the registry of the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), and b) have completed at least the first 12 months of the subsidy program for the employment of long-term unemployed individuals, aged 55-67 years.
The duration of the subsidy is set at 12 months, and the amount is set at 715 euros per month.
"Program for subsidizing businesses to employ 10,000 long-term unemployed individuals aged 45 and over."
The objective of the action is to create 10,000 new full-time job positions by hiring long-term unemployed individuals, registered in the unemployment registry of the Public Employment Service (ΔΥΠΑ), aged 45 and over, in high-unemployment areas of the country, with priority given to the Regions of Western Macedonia, Western Greece, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Thessaly, Central Greece, Central Macedonia, and Epirus. The action targets private businesses and generally employers in the private sector engaged in regular economic activity, with priority given to the aforementioned regions.
For more information, click here.: