
According to the speech of the Prime Minister at the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki on Saturday 07.09.2024 and after specialization by the relevant Ministries, the insurance, tax and labor agenda for 2025 is formulated as follows: 

  1. Measures to stimulate employment:
  • Increase in the minimum wage – the planned consultation process will begin in January. 
  • From 1/4/2024, the minimum wage has increased to €830, showing an increase of 27.7% from €650 in 2019. 
  • At the same time, the average salary also rises from €1,036 in 2019 to €1,252 today, showing a 20.8% increase. 
  • Goal in 2027, the minimum wage at €950 and the average wage at €1,500. 
  • Reduction of insurance contributions - From 1/1/2025, the social security contributions will be reduced by another 1 percentage point, 0.5% reduction in employee contributions, 0.5% reduction in employer contributions. Since 2019, the social security contributions have already been reduced by 4.4 percentage points, plus one in 2025, thus 5.4 percentage points. The target is an additional reduction for 2027 of half a percentage point. 
  • Reform of the unemployment benefit based on three principles: 
  • Justice, considering the social security history of the unemployed, a part of the allowance will be shaped according to the working time and earnings. 
  • Adaptation to the real needs of the unemployed, with the benefit being greater in the first months, to support him at the beginning of this difficult period 
  • Incentives for quick reintegration into the labor market, through the upfront payment of the allowance. 
  • Incentives for businesses to support new parents - Employers who support new parents with voluntary non-wage benefits of up to €5,000 for one year after having a child are exempt from tax on these benefits. The amount will be increased by an additional €5,000 for each dependent child. In addition, a reduction in the new parent's salary is not allowed during the benefit period as well as for one semester before and one semester after. At the same time, a tax exemption is established for vouchers provided to employees for nurseries. 


  1. Support measures for pensioners:
  • Increases from 1/1/2025 by an estimated 2.2% to 2.5% in more than 2,000,000 pensions, for the third consecutive year, starting with the pensions of January 2025 (paid December 2024). 
  • It is now done every year based on the statutory algorithm (half sum of inflation and economic growth). 
  • From 2023, the cumulative increase in pensions reaches 13%. 
  • Extraordinary support for pensioners with a personal difference - Further support for pensioners who are not beneficiaries of pension increases. 
  • It concerns 670,000 pensioners with an income of up to €1,600 who have a personal difference of more than €10, as well as approximately 37,000 beneficiaries of the extra-institutional allowance and other disability allowances of the e-EFKA. 
  • The amount of the aid depends on the sum of main pensions. 


  1. Fiscal measures
  • The National Health System overtime pay will be taxed separately at 22%. 
  • In 2025, the business tax (licence) is abolished for every self-employed person or individual business. 
  • The minimum (presumed) income of individuals in areas with 1,500 inhabitants instead of 500 is halved. 
  • The special landline tax on fiber optic connections with speeds over 100 Mbps is abolished. 
  • Definitive permanence of the tax refund on agricultural oil. 
  • The ENFIA discount increases to 20% for owners who insure houses worth up to 500,000 euros against natural disasters 
  • Businesses with a turnover of more than 500,000 thousand must be insured against natural disasters. Something that will apply to commercial vehicles. 
  • Golden visa someone will be able to get a visa if they invest in a startup 
  • A cruise fee is imposed on each passenger embarking at each port. 
  • From April to October the durability fee increases 


  1. Social policy measures
  • Those with three children will be equated with those with many children, regardless of income. 
  •  Immediate abolition of the 15% tax on health insurance for children up to 18 years of age 
  • The 2nd “My home” program starts immediately with the age being extended to 50 years. 
  • Loans of up to 20,000 for the energy upgrade of up to 20,000 homes 
  • Any owner who rents an apartment that is closed will be exempt from rent tax for three years. The same will apply if he converts from short to long term a tenancy. 
  •  A new fee will apply to rentals through platforms, while any such new rental will automatically be prohibited in the 3 central apartments of Athens for at least one year.